15th Annual Jazz Critics Poll: 2020

Ballot 2020

Paul Acquaro (Free Jazz Collective)


  1. Frank Paul Schubert-Alexander von Schlippenbach-Martin Blume, Forge (Relative Pitch)
  2. Wolfgang Muthspiel-Scott Colley-Brian Blade, Angular Blues (ECM)
  3. Sun of Goldfinger [David Torn-Ches Sith-Tim Berne], Congratulations to You (Screwgun)
  4. Potsa Lotsa XL, Silk Songs for Space Dogs (Leo)
  5. Whit Dickey Trio, Expanding Light (Tao Forms)
  6. Luís Vicente-John Dikeman-William Parker-Hamid Drake, Goes Without Saying, but It's Got to Be Said (JACC)
  7. The Nels Cline Singers, Share the Wealth (Blue Note)
  8. José Lencastre-Hernâni Faustino-Vasco Furtado, Vento (Phonogram Unit)
  9. Matthew Shipp, The Reward (RogueArt)
  10. Eris 136199 [Han-Earl Park-Catherine Sikora-Nick Didkovsky], Peculiar Velocities (BAF)


  1. Terumasa Hino, Journey to Air (1970, Octave Lab)
  2. Modern Jazz Quintet Karlsruhe/Four Men Only, Complete Recordings (1968-73, NoBusiness)
  3. Peter Brötzmann, 14 Love Poems [Plus 10 More] (1984, Cien Fuegos)